1. Don’t make anyone wait for you
  2. Simple things should be simple
  3. Pull the Andon Cord when you find inefficiencies you can’t solve

Simple tasks should be fast. A small change to our app, an addition to our website, answering a simple question of a customer should be done instantly, by any single person.

Decisions that are not trap-door decisions should be made immediately when the required information is available by the people that own them.

You can not delegate something you can do yourself in a very short time. You can’t delegate repetitive work, you must solve the reason that the repetitive work exists (e.g. by automating it away).

If another team is dependent on you, you fully own the outcome of their work until you have completed your part. Meaning if you do not answer a sales query and we lose the deal, because we were too late replying - or gave the impression of being inefficient - that’s on you.

You are responsible for making sure you, your team, and your colleagues, have the resources, bandwidth and time to not delay anything or anyone else.

If you are aware of consistent delays within your responsibility, you are responsible until you fix it, or have reached out to Job or Marcelo because you and those around you are not able to solve it.

If you find cases of inefficiency and the owner of the work is not addressing it, please bring it up directly to Job, Marcelo or Iarla. A good way is to use Andon Cord.