Job Description Guidelines

When writing a job description, follow these guidelines:

  1. Do not make a degree or specific qualification a requirement, unless there is a specific compliance reason for that. For example, should we require a specific qualification due to the role requirement be for internal legal council in a specific region and only a qualified attorney will be able to fulfil this requirement.

  2. Do not use years of experience to make decisions about someone's actual experience in a specific field. The length of time an employee has been in their role doesn’t necessarily relate to their capability to fulfil their responsibilities. Instead, evaluate their ability to perform in the role based on the actual work they’ve done in previous positions and by setting clear expectations you have for your advertised job.

    Some of the examples of requirements you can use instead of years of experience:

  3. Scope - Be specific about the responsibilities that the job entails and what it doesn't.

  4. Be specific about whether the job involves managing people or not.

  5. Use inclusive language and avoid gendered language. Also avoid gender-coded words, like “rock star,” “ninja,” and “dominate”.

Example Template (*Example from our internal page, use for inspiration)

Additional Tips

For examples of how we write descriptions for our own positions, please visit