At Remote, we simplify processes—or eliminate them altogether—whenever possible. This guide provides detailed information and guidance on organizing work, along with best practices for achieving success.

Table of contents:

📍 Core Principles:

Our principles serve as the foundation for everything we do.

  1. Bias Toward Action

    Be proactive to keep the team productive and shipping

  2. Small, iterative changes

    We move more quickly and reduce risk

  3. Minimal ≠ Bad

    “Nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.” - Wabi Sabi

    When shipping a Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

    remember that MVP does not mean ship something that's half-baked and/or bad

    Minimal: Characterized by simplicity and lack of adornment or decoration

    Viable: Capable of working successfully; feasible

    Loveable: Capable of working successfully; feasible, while delighting the user

    Product: A thing that is the result of an action or process

  4. No Blanket approach OR one size fits all

    We won’t find a blanket approach/one size fits all - rather, look at it case by case basis (0-1 product vs mature scaled product etc)

💡 Pro Tip: Stay nimble and open-minded rather than dogmatic when solving problems.

🌀 Our Product Development Lifecycle

Formalizing our product development lifecycle ensures a consistent, efficient, and collaborative approach as our team scales.

This benefits our company in several ways:

Benefits of a Unified Lifecycle 🔃

  1. Streamlined cross-team collaboration and efficiency: By implementing distinct checkpoints for review, feedback collection, and clearly assigning owners for specific action items.
  2. Proactive Risk Management: The structured approach to each stage of product development allows us to identify and mitigate risks earlier on, protecting our customers and ensuring compliance with industry regulations
  3. Centralized Knowledge: All important information about initiatives allows us to effectively track progress and measure success on a regular basis. This facilitates knowledge sharing and training about product processes for new team members and non-product stakeholders

Stages of the Product Development Lifecycle 🔄

✋🏼 Note: The teams listed are examples and may vary depending on the stage - listed in an effort to illustrate the involvement of other teams throughout the development lifecycle stages.

Stages of the Product Development Lifecycle at Remote

Stages of the Product Development Lifecycle at Remote