At Remote, we are committed to providing a positive and respectful work environment for all our employees. We also believe in treating our clients with respect and professionalism at all times, as per Remote’s Values. However, in the rare instances where a client or external user engages in abusive behavior towards our team members, we have established the following policy:

1. Definition of Abusive Behavior:

Abusive behavior includes, but is not limited to:

Excessive requests and unreasonable complaints will also not be tolerated. These include:

We understand that persistence may not always indicate unacceptable behavior. Determining what constitutes unreasonable demands will depend on the specific circumstances of the complaint and the seriousness of the issues raised. Examples of behavior falling under unreasonable and excessive demands and vexatious complaints include, but are not limited to:

2. Reporting Procedure:

The team member who experiences or witnesses abusive behavior is encouraged to report it immediately to their manager, the People team or the Legal team. Reports can be made verbally or in writing, and confidentiality should be maintained to the fullest extent possible.